Google Images to show new icons on desktop that provide useful information

By Arhama Altaf - Web Editor

Tech giant Google has announced fewer changes showing its image results replacing the images’ size tags with new icons.
Google’s image usually shows a photo’s dimensions on the bottom left corner, along with its source page’s title and URL.
Now, image results on desktop will be a bit more informative, according to the company.
The new icons indicate whether the image you’re clicking leads to a page with products for sale, to a page with recipes or to video content.
The images at first, appear small but after clicking them, enlarges the image even the video’s length.
While the icons’ addition isn’t a huge change, it could make it easier to sift through hundreds of results and find what you’re looking for.
If, say, you’re doing an image search to find a particular product to buy, you can simply just check out all the photos marked with the product tag.
Though, Google will not kill image dimensions completely.
Users just need to select the image thumbnail he/she want to know more about and then mouse over it to see the size tag at its usual place in the bottom left corner.