Spy agencies around the world mobilize to steal coronavirus vaccine information

The battle to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus pandemic, which has affected about 3.3 million people worldwide and claimed the lives of more than 233,000 people, has intensified and now the cyber spy agencies around the world are seeking coronavirus vaccine secret.
The coronavirus began in December 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan and has so far affected more than 190 countries around the world, with nearly 100 health organization and pharmaceutical companies are busy in developing vaccines to prevent the outbreak.
Pharmaceutical companies and biotech companies from dozens of countries, including the United States, China, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Australia, Canada and Israel, are in the race to develop vaccine for the coronavirus, but no one has yet succeed and could not proceed to the trial phase.
Under this dilemma, the spy agencies of many countries of the world have mobilized to steal the information of Coronavirus vaccine from other countries and a new war has started in the world of espionage.
According to the International Media, a secret cyber-spy war has been launched around the world to steal information of coronavirus vaccine development and every country is trying to somehow take the lead in this war.
The report, citing US intelligence, said that US cyber-security agencies had warned the government and medical research agencies that the data of coronavirus vaccine development could be stolen at any time.
The Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, said the US government has warned all medical research institutes and vaccine biotech companies and medical centers about the dangers of information theft.